Passion For Pinterest

Everything You Need To Know In Order To Take Your Pinterest To The Next Level

What if your blog or website was capable of generating enough traffic to transform your business into an online success, and all from one platform... PINTEREST!

Believe it or not, It is!

Pinterest can make a HUGE impact on businesses and blogs but unfortunately, so many people aren't aware on how to properly utilize Pinterest so they never see the results they originally hoped for.

Pinterest is one of the most underutilized, yet most powerful marketing tools you can use for your business, but if you don’t know how to use it strategically, you're never going to see success and it definitely won’t provide results.

Are you ready to take your account to the next level but you just aren't sure where to even begin? Maybe you've been using Pinterest for quite some time and haven't reached the numbers you originally expected and hoped for?

I'm currently:

* Reaching over 200,000 monthly views to my Pinterest

* Gaining approximately 20-30 new followers per week

* Generating tons of views to my blog from pins I've uploaded (Pinterest is one of the TOP sources of traffic to my website)

How much have I spent on ads? $0.

How much time do I spend on my account? 15-30 mins per day.

In this course, I'll be teaching you how you can reach the same results that I've gotten in less than one year of using Pinterest for my business.

I'll also be going over:

* All of the basics (Navigating Pinterest, Setting up a flawless profile page, converting to a business account, setting up boards and designing custom board covers, etc)

* Rich Pins (What they are and how you can set them up)

* How you can start attracting genuine followers

* Group boards (How to set up your own successful group board AND a list of the best ones to join)

* Designing UNIQUE pins that stand out

* And more!!

Many people mistake Pinterest for being a social media platform. This is actually incorrect! Pinterest is actually a search engine! What this means is that you have to use different strategies to outsmart it.


1. 79% of Pinterest users are female

2. Nearly 90% purchase a product they pinned

3. Around 50% purchase 5 or more products they pinned

4. Pinterest pins are worth more than Facebook likes!

5. Pinterest grabs approximately 40% of ecommerce traffic compared to other social media sites

Once you start using the techniques I teach in this "Rocking Pinterest" course, it will completely transform your blog/business.

Official course release date: 1/5/17

Get started now!